Friday, August 26

Nationwide - $75 Paid Online Focus Group - Moms

We are seeking mothers, ages 25 to 44, to participate in a paid online focus group.

The focus group will take place in late August or early September.

Those who participate in this focus group will be paid $75 for their time and opinions.

Thursday, August 25

Nationwide - $200 Paid Online Focus Group - Males and Females

We are seeking males and females to participate in a paid online focus group.

The focus group will participating in an online bulletin board over a five day period.

The focus group will take place from August 28th until September 1st.

Those who participate in this focus group will be paid $200 for their time and opinions.

Wednesday, August 24

Nationwide - $100 Paid Online Focus Group - Smart Phones

We are seeking males and females, ages 16 to 64, to participate in a paid online focus group about smart phones.

The focus group will last for 45 to 60 minutes.

Those who participate in this focus group will be paid $100 for their time and opinions.

Tuesday, August 23

Nationwide - $75 Paid Online Focus Group - Automobiles

We are looking for males and females to participate in a paid online focus group about  vehicles they own or intend to own.

The focus group will take place between August 29th and September 14th, and will last for 45 minutes.

Those who participate will receive a $75 prepaid Visa card for their time and opinions.